Invest in Change
Your donation, whatever the size, will directly support a young person. For example, £5 helps a young person get from their host home to college. £10 helps them keep in touch with their friends and with our on-call team. £15 provides one-to-one advocacy, supporting young people to take the next steps out of homelessness. £20 covers a whole night with Nightstop: transport, food and shelter.
Gift Aid
Your donation can go further with Gift Aid. For every £1 you donate, Open Homes can claim an extra 25p at no additional cost to you through HM Revenues and Customs Gift Aid scheme.
Bank Details
Here are our bank details if you'd prefer to donate via bank transfer. You can still Gift Aid when donating this way, please fill in the Gift Aid declaration so that we can claim an extra 25p for each pound at no additional cost to you.
Account NameOpen Homes Nottingham
Account Number
Sort Code08-92-99