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Nottingham Nightstop

A safe space for the night

Emergency Accommodation

Nightstop breaks the cycle of homelessness for young people in crisis

For 16-25 Year olds

We intervene when young people have the best chance of a fresh start

Ongoing Support

Our skilled support workers network with trusted agencies to help users access housing, work and education


Local hosts and drivers ensure the safety and wellbeing of guests during their placement

Dave, 24

Dave lost his flat when he couldn’t afford the rent raise. Nightstop gave him time to find a new job with better pay and accommodation.

Fatima, 19

Fatima was fleeing abuse and forced marriage when she found Nightstop. Nightstop supported her college studies and found her a refuge.

Scott, 18

Scott’s uncle asked him to leave home when he turned 18. Nightstop helped him regroup, prepare for his mock exams and move into supported housing.

Chelsea, 18

Chelsea was struggling with her mental health after surviving prolonged abuse at home. Now she’s a singer-songwriter and in her own home.

Ben, 19

Ben escaped a violent relationship, only to be tracked down by his partner. Nightstop met his immediate need for food and safe housing.

Dani, 19

Staying with Nightstop hosts transformed Danii’s mental health after prolonged abuse, giving her the confidence to move into supported housing.

Chris, 18

Evicted by his adoptive parents, Chris turned his life around with a little help from Nightstop hosts. Now he’s flourishing in catering college.

Samuel, 22

Getting refugee status meant Samuel had to leave where he’d lived as an asylum seeker. Nightstop helped him learn English and find a permanent home.

Charli, 19

Nightstop hosts helped Charli navigate the challenges of being homeless and pregnant until she could find safe housing for her and her baby.

    All names have been changed to protect the identities of our guests. 


    Trained support workers help young people access the services they need to thrive

    Open Homes Nottingham volunteer mentoring a young man at a kitchen table with a laptop, supporting homeless youth
    Emergency Provision

    Initial Support

    Nightstop staff work with referral agencies to find safe, permanent accommodation for young persons, and empower them to find long-term support. Our placements usually last 1-3 nights.

    Open Homes Nottingham volunteer with a laptop mentoring a young man on a teal couch in a cosy living room, supporting homeless youth
    Long Term Provision


    After 3 nights stay we aim to beat the cycle of long-term homelessness by helping guests access education, employment and mental health services, empowering them to build a new future.

    Initial Setup

    Identify and meet immediate needs, such as setting up benefits, obtaining ID or opening a bank account.


    Support young people in education, enabling them to continue their studies, establish support networks, and manage their schedule.


    Enable access to work and training opportunities, assisting job searches, CV writing, interview practice, and applications.

    Mental Health

    Build resilience and self-worth by assessing mental health needs, managing emotions, and identifying strengths and triggers.


    Foster belonging by building friendships, forming connections, exploring new and existing interests and hobbies.

    How Our Volunteers Help

    Drivers Provide

    Drivers are the first kind face a young person sees in their Nightstop journey. Drivers make sure our guests get to their hosts safely; but they’re also the reassurance they need to cross the threshold.
    A Nightstop driver helping a young person out with their bags, on the way to overnight accomodation.


    Getting a young person to their placement is the first step to making them safe

    Listening ear

    Staying with strangers is scary: drivers listen and encourage


    Drivers see them through the door, and know they’ve changed a life


    Provide a journey with someone they can count on

    Hosts Provide

    Hosts change lives by providing a meal, a spare room and a listening ear, keeping a young person off the street.


    After a day in crisis, room to rest and recover is critical


    Everyone sleeps better on a full stomach, and dinner is a great way to get to know guests


    Guests often arrive with nothing: Nightstop providess toiletries to help them feel normal again  


    No qualifications needed: just a kettle, a cuppa, and a few minutes

    Training and Support

    Here for All

    Our 24/7 on-call telephone service is here to support volunteers and guests, day or night, during a young person’s stay

    Initial Training

    Our training includes thorough induction, safeguarding, ongoing development, regular updates, workshops, and advanced training sessions.

    Ongoing support

    Reflective supervisions and check-ins with our staff keep volunteers connected and confident

    "I left feeling Inspired knowing that people actually do care"

    Laura, 23

    Frequently Asked Questions


    Ensuring volunteers feel safe and empowered is our priority. We risk assess every young person using information gathered by our trained and trusted partners. We only place young people who we deem to be low risk. Find out more about the experience by reading our volunteer page.

    Who is eligible for Nightstop services?

    Nightstop is specifically designed to support young people aged 16-25 who find themselves without a place to stay. Eligibility is determined based on immediate need for emergency accommodation and the individual's situation regarding homelessness or risk thereof.

    How can I become a Nightstop volunteer host or driver?

    If you're interested in becoming a volunteer host or driver for Nightstop, we'd love to hear from you. No special qualifications are required, just a willingness to offer a safe space, a meal, or a drive to those in need. You can start by contacting us through our website where you'll find more information on the application process and the support we provide to our volunteers.

    What support do young people receive through Nightstop?

    Beyond a safe place to stay, young people accessing Nightstop benefit from a range of support services. This includes help with finding more permanent accommodation, accessing education and employment opportunities, and connecting with mental health support. Our goal is to provide a holistic approach to support that addresses immediate needs and aids in long-term stability.

    How does Nightstop ensure the safety of both guests and volunteers?

    The safety of our guests and volunteers is our top priority. All potential guests are carefully screened, and risk assessments are conducted to ensure they are a suitable match for the Nightstop program. Volunteers receive training and ongoing support, and we have protocols in place, including a 24/7 on-call support system, to maintain a safe and secure environment for everyone involved.

    Empowering Youth Through Community Support

    Nightstop offers a crucial lifeline to young people aged 16-25 in crisis. By sharing a meal, offering a listening ear, and ensuring a safe place to sleep, our volunteers are at the forefront of preventing street homelessness.