Equality & Diversity Policy
006.1 – General Statement of Policy
Open Homes is a Christian organisation committed to social justice and is opposed to all forms of discrimination. Discrimination is unfair, unequal treatment of an individual or a particular group, either intentionally or otherwise, on the grounds of certain characteristics or lifestyle traits including gender, marital status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, or social status. We are committed to challenging discrimination and, to the best of our ability, providing services, paid employment and volunteering opportunities that are accessible to all sections of the communities we serve.
It is the intention of Open Homes that no individual or organisation connected with its activities shall hinder the positive implementation of this policy.
The Open Homes management team will keep up to date with UK anti-discrimination law and amend this policy as necessary.
006.2 – Employees & Volunteers
As an employer Open Homes aims to ensure that no member of staff or volunteer, existing or prospective, is subject to discrimination. Open Homes will ensure that all staff and volunteers are aware of what constitutes discrimination, our policy on it and their obligations under this policy.
Entry to employment and promotion or change of post is determined by personal merit and ability relevant to the purposes of Open Homes:
- Where a paid or voluntary role has genuine occupational requirements, these shall be stated in any advertisements and taken into account when appointing;
- Applicants for posts will be given clear, accurate and sufficient information to enable them to assess their own suitability for a post;
- All employees and volunteers within Open Homes are expected to support and promote the Christian ethos.
Open Homes aims to ensure that people with disabilities are given equal opportunity to enter employment or voluntary work. In doing so, it will fully consider reasonable adjustments to working practices, equipment and premises to ensure that a disabled person is not put at a substantial disadvantage due to their disability. In addition, should a member of staff or volunteer become disabled whilst employed by or volunteering for Open Homes, every effort will be made through reasonable adjustment, retraining or redeployment to enable them to remain in their role.
006.3 – Service Users
Open Homes seeks to provide services on a fair and equitable basis, taking into account only the needs of the people we serve. No person using our services will be treated less favourably than any other on any grounds. In order to demonstrate our commitment to Equal Opportunities, for service users, we will: As far as is practicably possible, work to provide services on a fair and equal basis, showing partiality to no-one.
006.4 – Complaints
Any service user, employee or volunteer may complete a 001.3 Complaints Form to report discriminatory conduct to which they are subjected. Alleged discriminatory conduct will be fully investigated under the 001.0 Complaints Policy and the 005.0 Disciplinary Policy if necessary.